Lawbroker Laws "Although it was wrong in principle for British courts to consider evidence obtained by torture in Britain", he was "quite unable to see that any such principle prohibits the [Home Secretary] from relying . . . on evidence coming into his hands which has been obtained through torture by agencies of other states . . . " (New Statesman, 2004)
He also sat in the Metric Martyrs case in 2002.
Judge Judge himself - Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales.
Heroes and villains - speech to the Society of Editors' Annual Conference London, 13 October 2003
Judge Judge, along with Lord Justice Laws*, is a member of The Court of Appeal; both are amongst the 75% of appeal judges who hold the “Full House” of qualifications for the post: men, public school and Oxbridge (survey by SJ Berwin).
* Sir John, not to be confused with David Laws, MP
If you fancy being a High Court Judge (£150,878 pa), apply here.
Or you could just Find a solicitor.
White House press spokesman for Ronald Reagan.
"Those who talk don’t know what is going on and those who know what is going on won’t talk."
"You don't tell us how to stage the news and we don't tell you how to cover it."
Larry Speakes Quotes (BrainyQuote)
29 June - President Reagan announces that the SALT II treaty is "dead" and that he will continue to abide by it. White House press spokesman Larry Speakes clarifies this by explaining that the president "has no idea what he is saying."
Dave Barry's Concise History Of 1986
Cartoon from the David Levine Gallery in The New York Review of Books.
Dancer and choreographer. Born in 1963 in Karlsruhe. Trained at the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam in 1986. She then founded her own international dance company and has received several awards, among them the Adolf Grimme Award and a critic's award by German film critics. She has taken part in the artistic direction of the Berliner Schaubühne since 1999.
Her website
Sasha Waltz bleibt mit eigener Compagnie an der Schaubühne
Loads of videos on YouTube
. . . of the Erasmus University, Netherlands, spoke on Electronic Gaming: Fostering Cultural Identity Formation And Feeding Businesses at the 2nd International Symposium on Tourism at the Centre for Tourism Policy Studies, University of Brighton (2003).

Go, an addictive game
Go proverbs
Don't try to enclose an open skirt
The simplest move is the best move
Strange things happen at the one-two points

The University of Myong-ji (Yong-In, Korea) has a Department of Baduk (Go) Studies: Established in 1997, the Department is the first of its kind in the world. Students in the Department are exposed to a wide range of in-depth courses on Baduk, with particular emphasis on practical training.